This site has been designed to be a quick reorder channel that accesses previous order history and shipping information.
You are able to modify the style and design of your product, but for first time purchases, please contact your financial
institution to place your order. Once your first order has successfully shipped, we look forward to serving your needs for all your subsequent reorders.
If you are referring to two different check designs, the answer in No.
You may add other product types to your order if desired. Choice 3 provides you with a list of compatible products and pricing information that you can include with your order, such as check covers, binders, envelopes, etc., when applicable.
How do I know if a product is compatible or not?
Many factors are considered when determining if one product is compatible with another. The most important factor is whether or not the products will "fit." As stated earlier, Choice 3 now provides you with a list of products that are compatible with your check products. They are listed in our paper-bound catalog, or see your financial institution for more details.
We ask you to enter your next starting number to help protect your private information and the security of your financial documents.
If you want a different starting number to be printed on your checks, you will have an opportunity to change this number before submitting your order, subject to any restrictions set by the financial institution . If you cannot remember your next starting number, go to the Contact Us page on this site for information about whom you should call for assistance.
You have the option to change the design of your checks. Simply navigate to the customization page and select another check design or color, font type, checkmark or logo, and even increase or decrease your signature lines, if desire. Or use the Replace link on the Shopping Cart page to change the check design. This option is also available for Reorders and Quick Reorders.
Yes, if you have been given authorization by your Financial Institution to change your Personal information, you will have an option on the Personalization page to edit your personal information. If not, you must contact your FI before you can change this information.
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